Friday, April 30, 2010

legends: april.

for graduation (how was that 8 years ago already?!), my high school boyfriend's mom gave me the book legends by john miller, which catalogs "women who have changed the world."  when i was home a few weeks ago i rediscovered it on my bookshelf (always fun!), and it inspired me to dedicate the last friday of every month's post to a different legend (in my humble opinion).  

first up: has to be ms. audrey hepburn.  

"my life isn't theories and formulae. it's part instinct, part common sense.  logic is as good a word as any, and i've absorbed what logic i have from everything and everyone...from my mother, from training as a ballet dancer, from vogue magazine, from the laws of life and health and nature."

xo. di.

*image 1, image 2, image 3, image 4, image 5
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