Monday, April 5, 2010


lovely is the word of the day.  it's also my favorite word on all days.  

in diane's (that's me!) vocabulary, some things are lovely, and some things are "best."*  best means things that make me lol, or ridiculous things like abc getting destroyed by tv blogs for putting a "V" countdown clock in the corner of an entire episode of LOST (yea, still haven't let that one go.  abc fail.) (ps don't know wtf i'm talking about? read this at warming glow, my fave tv blog).   

best is where sarcasm, snark, and randomness live.  lovely is where the martha-stewart-it's-a-good-thing side of my personality hangs out.  

so, without further ado, onto the topic of the day.  to keep things brief, here is a partial list of things i find ever so lovely:

1.  hydrangeas.  the loveliest of flowers.
     powerscourt gardens, ireland 2008

2.  pushing daisies.  the loveliest of all tv shows, canceled last year after just 2 seasons.  another abc fail.  daisies totally deserves a post all its own, and i'm sure it will get one eventually.
                                cast photo (more discussion on them in the future as well!)

3.  audrey.  nothing lovelier than having her watch over me as i sleep.
                my bedroom

4. ireland.  a quarter or so of my heritage comes from the land of the leprechauns.  and i've fallen in love with the "homeland."
     wicklow mountain national park, ireland 2008

5.  disney.  anything better than these two fellas?  the most magical place on earth, indeed. 
                       walt and mickey.  disneyland 2008

what do you find lovely? i hope you found a little of it in your monday.  

xo. di.

*i must give credit for "best" to friends k & m.  danke!
**pics 1, 3, 4, & 5 are from my personal collection.  2 is from a random google search over a year ago.  i apologize for not giving better credit!

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thanks so much for the note! i love reading your comments. xo. di.

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