Tuesday, August 24, 2010

southern belle.

old and new, past and present...

"there was a land of cavaliers and cotton fields called the old south.  here in this pretty world gallantry took its last bow.  here was the last ever to be seen of knights and their ladies fair, of master and of slave.  look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered.  a civilization gone with the wind..."
-margaret mitchell, gone with the wind

xo.  di.
*all images via pinterest, pinned from: images 1-5: flickr, image 6, image 7


  1. This post gives me chills. Beautiful photos - especially #4! - and I love Gone with the Wind more than I can say. Lovely, lovely. :)

  2. I long for a photo of myself and Maple JUST LIKE THAT ONE!!! ahhh LOVE!


thanks so much for the note! i love reading your comments. xo. di.

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