Wednesday, September 22, 2010

4 simple goals.

when i saw the creative place's and a beautiful mess's "4 simple goals" posts, i knew i wanted (and should!) participate.  special thanks to a beautiful mess for thinking this up!  

the idea is to write down 4 simple goals that can be completed by the end of 2010 and then, hopefully, accomplish them!  as a master of to-do lists that never totally get crossed-off, i am hoping that blogging the goals will motivate me to end that pattern.  so, i chose projects that have been kicking around for awhile (sometimes for years, blerg!).

here's what my list looks like... 

{1} finish scrapbooking my college summers
as i've mentioned before, i have a love/hate (heavy on the hate) relationship with scrapbooking, but i've committed to finishing my college years before going to simple albums (see below), so here i am.
       {college scrapbooks (yes, in ND colors!) with my box of pages-in-progress}

{2} frame and hang remaining things from the move
why has it taken so long to get a custom mat for my signed promises, promises poster?!  if only i knew... but it's now been ordered, and a couple of other things finally got framed, so now all i have to figure out is how to hang a picture properly (i have to admit that my dad always comes and does it for me, but he doesn't have any chicago trips in the near future, so i think i finally need to be a big girl and learn for myself!).
{picked up at michael's a couple of weekends ago.  finally!}

{3} install my bedroom curtain holdbacks
again, the trouble stems from my past reliance on my dad's handiness for such things.  but with cold weather approaching, if i don't get these things up and the curtains away from my radiator, my neighbors may just take issue with me burning down our building.
{see the close proximity of curtain to brown radiator?! not a good thing}

{4} upload and have law school pictures printed
as i mentioned above, i'm done with scrapbooking once i finish the college years, but photographs are probably my most prized material possession, so i can't seem to settle for online albums only.  enter: the return of the photo album!  the end plan is to buy a bunch of identical, plain white albums, and have each one contain a year's worth of my favorite pictures.  i'm starting with the law school years (2006-2009), and before the end of 2010, all i'm asking of myself is to get those physical pictures in my hand.  baby steps!  i started this project last summer and haven't touched it since.  so, here we go.
{albums to go through, pictures already printed last summer}

my goals are very picture-intensive, huh?!  well, like i said, they're important to me!  i'll keep you all updated as i [hopefully] complete each goal, and maybe that will keep anyone else who wants to take on the challenge motivated too!

xo. di.

*image 1 via a beautiful mess, all other images from my personal collection


  1. I have a scrapbook that I need to finish from when I went abroad in Europe 4.5 years ago... I have all the pics printed and bought stickers,etc and still haven't done it!! I really need to.

  2. This is such a good idea! I might have to make a list myself. I hope you're able to accomplish yours - and I'm so jealous of your Promises, Promises poster! I was in NY over the summer and so desperately wanted to see that, but I ran out of time. (I was also tempted to just camp out by the stage door to see if I could catch a glimpse of Cheno, but alas there wasn't time for that either!)

  3. go for it! and i definitely stalked kcheno at the stage door, it was so thrilling. she's completely adorable.


thanks so much for the note! i love reading your comments. xo. di.

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