inspired by my reading of the happiness project by gretchen rubin, i am instituting monday "gratitude" posts (read here for more detail), where i will list "3 things i'm grateful for" from the previous week.
the 3 things i'm grateful for this week are:
the 3 things i'm grateful for this week are:
1) saw my favoritest movie of all on the big screen for the first time ever: the sound of music! (it's a whole new experience to see it like that, simply amazing.)
2) a lovely night with the bf at the joffrey ballet's fall program (can't say enough good things about the joffrey, guys. if you're in chicago, you need to go see them perform!)
3) busted out my sewing machine for the first time since my mom gifted it to me this summer (it's her old one, and is like 30 years old! i feel like betty draper...). i'm attempting to sew things well-above my skill level for my halloween costume. so far so good, but there's still much to be done. and i'm pretty much just winging it. i'm attaching fabric to a dress i bought on ebay... but still, excited i'm trying, it was a goal for 2010!

{like my awesome sketch?!}
this week's blog love:
- i really identified with Jess in her Makeunder My Life post about getting too attached to things, even if they don't make as much sense as they used to. letting go/rearranging/taking a step back can be really beneficial sometimes!
- i ate up Casee Marie's of The Girl Who Stole the Eiffel Tower quotes post. love hearing new ones that inspire!
- i am so not in baby mode, but i still adored Anne of The City Sage's childhood nostalgia inspiration boards.
- Jamie of From Me to You is quite the fantastic photographer; this glamorous shoot in central park is no exception.
here's to another grateful week.
xo. di.
*all images from my personal collection
*all images from my personal collection
I've never seen The Sound of Music on the big screen...I'm a bit jealous! ;)
you should check theatres around you! they're bringing it back selectively across the country for the 45th anniversary!