the book legends by john miller catalogs "women who have changed the world." given to me as a gift 8 years ago, it inspired me to dedicate the last friday of every month's post to a different legend (in my humble opinion).
“the greatest gift the harry potter series has given
to the world is the freedom to use our imaginations.”
-oprah winfrey
“in the end, love wins. . . when a person dies, love isn’t turned off like a tap, [a] faucet.
it is an amazingly resilient part of us.”

{chapter one of book one, with movie stills}
“i definitely know that…that love is the most important thing of all. and i remember thinking that when 9/11 happened. because those last phone calls were all about – knowing that this was the last thing i was going to say on this earth – was i love you. what’s more powerful than that? what’s more proof
than that? beyond fear. beyond death."
than that? beyond fear. beyond death."

{signature edition for bloomsbury cover art}
“and so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which i rebuilt my life. it is impossible to live without failing at something. unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all.”
-JKR, Harvard Commencement Speech
-JKR, Harvard Commencement Speech

{special edition cover art}
“failure. it’s so important. it doesn’t get spoken about enough. we speak about success all the time. but you know, i do not know any - i haven’t met anyone … not one of them didn’t have their failure. more than one failure. it’s the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to the greatest success.”

{harry potter U.S. cover art}
to say that jkr and this series has had a significant impact on my life is certainly true, but also a vast understatement. this woman deserves every bit of legend status that she receives.

{the cast with jkr (from left rupert grint as ron weasley, jkr, emma watson as hermione granger, daniel radcliffe as harry potter )
at the premiere of harry potter and the half-blood prince, summer 2009}
at the premiere of harry potter and the half-blood prince, summer 2009}
"sometimes i know what i believe because of what i’ve written…”
xo. di.
*image 1, image 2 by horacio prada, image 3-6, 8 via bewitchthemind's flickr photostream, image 7
**all quotes said by j.k. rowling to oprah winfrey, the oprah winfrey show's october 1, 2010 episode
The book "Legends" sounds great and this is a good idea to post on the last Friday of the month!
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it's definitely an inspiring book! thanks for following, i did the same! you were already in my reader :) keep up the great work!