Monday, February 28, 2011

grateful: week 45

inspired by my reading of the happiness project by gretchen rubin, i am instituting monday "gratitude" posts (read here for more detail), where i will list "3 things i'm grateful for" from the previous week.

the 3 things i'm grateful for this week are:

1)  a shortened work-week is always a good thing!

2)  a joffrey ballet-filled week: meetings, ballet class, and attending a performance of the merry widow!  the joffrey makes me happy.  i think that's pretty obvious ;)

3)  a lovely little oscars party with a few good friends.  oh so fun (more pics coming your way later this week!)   

this week's blog love:
here's to another grateful week.

xo. di.

*image via my personal collection

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thanks so much for the note! i love reading your comments. xo. di.

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