the book legends by john miller catalogs "women who have changed the world." given to me as a gift 8 years ago, it inspired me to dedicate the last friday of every month's post to a different legend (in my humble opinion).
this month's legend is the queen of domesticity: martha stewart. love her or hate her (i happen to fall in the "love" category), you have to be impressed with martha's story, from a mother who started selling baked goods to neighbors to all that martha stewart omnimedia now encompasses. it may not have always been a smooth ride, but at the end of the day she is a great strong female figure, of which we could always use more.
we all know what martha looks like now, right? so i'm shaking it up a little and showing you a side of her many have never seen: did you know martha modeled to put herself through college?! here's the proof:
we all know what martha looks like now, right? so i'm shaking it up a little and showing you a side of her many have never seen: did you know martha modeled to put herself through college?! here's the proof:
"i think it's very important that whatever you're trying to make or sell, or teach has to be basically good.
a bad product and you know what? you won't be here in ten years."
"when you're through changing, you're through."
a bad product and you know what? you won't be here in ten years."
"when you're through changing, you're through."
martha. she's "a good thing."
xo. di.
*images via stylite, found via stephmodo and dwellers without decorators