Friday, April 29, 2011

girl of the moment: april.

just like my grateful mondays, my monthly legends series has made its way to a year.  i wouldn't want anything to get stale around here, so i'm switching this one up too.  the last friday of each month will now have a girl of the moment post (didn't know it at the time, but amanda seyfried led the series off in march).  

will these girls one day become legends?  maybe.  and i hope so.  but for now, they find themselves in the role of ingénue.   

april's girl of the moment: kate middleton.  or should i say... the duchess of cambridge.

well who ELSE could i have chosen today?!   


from the moment she put on lady di's engagement ring, she became a figure larger than herself.  love or hate the idea of the royal family (and the idea of royals in the 21st century in general), there is something so magical and crazy romantic about the fact that someone can still marry a prince and become a princess herself in 2011.  even my mom (or should i say mum?), when my sister and i were little, would say, "oh perfect, there's one for each of my girls!"  joking aside, i hope this union brings them far more happiness than william's parents had.


enough of the serious stuff, on to the clothes! 

the coats

 {1, 2, 3}

the hats

{1, 2, 3}

everything in between

{1, 2, 3, 4}

and we can now stop speculating and just stare in awe at THE dress

{1, 2}

wow.  she looks so lovely.  the long-sleeves were perfect for a royal wedding.

me thinks we have the makings of a fashion icon here.   that cream burberry coat (which i am obsessed with, btw), sold out across the globe in less than a day.  i am also crazy jealous of the impeccable fit of her suit jackets.  she looks stunning in the most conservative of clothes, but while she's a young princess, i hope she pushes the envelope on the royal dress code a smidge.  not too far of course, just enough to make grandmother-in-law queen lizzie fidget a bit. 

xo. di.
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