Tuesday, April 17, 2012

my week with marilyn.

between watching a weekly show swirling around the life of marilyn monroe (smash) and renting my week with marilyn a couple of weeks ago, i have lots of marilyn in my life right now.  she's a woman i don't know that much about - in the world of hollywood idols, i’ve always aspired to be, say, audrey and grace over elizabeth taylor or marilyn.  not that i don’t appreciate the latter two, but i can’t identify with them in the same way (remember mad men's "are you a marilyn or a jackie" playtex bra ad campaign from season 2?  my answer is jackie, no hesitation).  i think i’m too reserved (polite way of saying uptight?!  ha!  don’t answer that).

i’d actually never seen marilyn in a movie until this past weekend.  i spent sunday afternoon doing laundry and watching Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.  and now that i think about it, that title has nothing to do with what was a rather silly movie, not that i  didn’t sort of enjoy it.  marilyn has an interesting charisma on screen.  she draws you in in spite of yourself.  you don’t want to like her character, but you’re not rooting against her either.  i loved how that charisma was portrayed in My Week with Marilyn (btw michelle williams kills it in this role.  superb performance.), and how that contrasts to (if accurate) her behavior off-screen.  i’m still not a marilyn fangirl, but i appreciate the aura around her and her legacy better now.

do you have suggestions for other marilyn movies i ought to see?  Some Like It Hot?  The Seven Year Itch?  i’m willing to continue my marilyn education, just point me in the right direction.

xo. di.

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