Monday, July 2, 2012

much love monday.

i like to use monday as a way to reflect on the previous week, to start anew, and to send a little love into the world.  won't you join me?    

today i am grateful for: 

oh hello, july.  where'd you put june?!  anyway, had a great time celebrating love in connecticut this weekend and got to spend sunday with c's family, a very special bonus.
pictures worth a thousand words:

{catching up on wedding gifts for the 2 in june we couldn't attend in person}
 {wedding fun}
{the flemings' beautiful backyard}
 {sunday afternoon spent in c's family pool}
{sun seting = had to head to the airport and back to chi}

this week's blog love:
here's to another grateful and love-filled week.  

xo. di.

*images by me

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